Cardio journal tips
Keeping a exercise journal of your cardio workouts will help you figure out roughly how many calories you’re burning every week and how much exercise you’re really doing. This is a great reality check. Most us tend over overestimate how much we exercise and underestimate how much we eat. That’s a combo just asking for trouble. A cardio exercise journal will help you stick to your goals, achieve your goals, and chart your progress. Want to run, but never quite got there? Keep a journal, you wont just see where you keep falling off the wagon and prevent it, but it’ll also motivate you.
What to record in a cardio journal:
- Date and time of workout
- What kind of cardio
- Workout duration
- Heart rate (intensity of exercise)
- Distance covered (e.g. walking, cycling, rowing, or swimming)
- If you use cardio equipment: e.g. calories burned, level, incline, resistance and if relevant program used (e.g. hills on the elliptical)
- If you exercise outdoors: e.g. weather conditions, route
- How you easy/ difficult it felt